KP Social Needs Network for Evaluation & Translation (SONNET)
As part of our focus on social health, the ACT Center is the proud home of the coordinating center for Kaiser Permanente Social Needs Network for Evaluation and Translation (SONNET). Supported by KP’s National Community Health Program, SONNET helps Kaiser Permanente researchers, leaders, and medical professionals design, evaluate, and learn from initiatives that address needs such as social connection, food, housing, and transportation.
SONNET works to advance our understanding of health system impact on improving social health by:
Convening social health researchers and national and regional Kaiser Permanente leaders to build capacity for social health research and to evaluate and refine interventions;
- Consulting with the Kaiser Permanente National Social Health Program and individual Kaiser Permanente regions on best practices for social health interventions;
- Communicating what we learn across Kaiser Permanente and beyond, acting as a learning and action network to advance social health research and practice; and
- Contributing to the field to advance our scientific understanding of social health.
Featured publications
Mosen DM, Banegas MP, Keast, EM, Dickerson JF. Future Health Care Utilization in an Older Adult Population: Which Needs Are Most Important? Popul Health Manag. 2023 Dec;26(6):413-419. Epub 2023 Oct 31. Full text
Brown MC, Paolino AR, Dorsey CN, Kelly C, Lewis CC. Kaiser Permanente’s Social Needs Network for Evaluation and Translation Empirical Research Agenda. AJPM Focus. Vol 2, Issue 3. Sept 2023. doi: Full text
Mahmud A, Cushing-Haugen K, Wellman R, Brown MC, Lewis CC. Understanding the Relationship Between Social Risk Factors and COVID-19 Contacts. Perm J. 15;27(2):18-22. June 2023. doi: 10.7812/TPP/22.146. Epub 2023 Apr 18. Full text
Gordon N, Shanks CB, Grant RW. Social Risks, Social Needs, and Attitudes Toward Social Health Screening 1 Year Into the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey of Adults in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System. Perm J. 2023 Jun 15;27(2):61-74. Epub 2023 Apr 17. Full text
Lewis CC, Jones SMW, Wellman R, Sharp AL, Gottlieb LM, Banegas MP, De Marchis E, Steiner JF. Social Risks and Social Needs in a Health Insurance Exchange Sample: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Utilization. BMC Health Serv Rexs. 28;22(1):1430. Nov 2022. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08740-6. Full text
Steiner JF, Ross C, Stiefel M, Mosen D, Banegas MP, Wall AE, Martin C, Kelly TS, Paolino AP, Zeng C. Association between Changes in Loneliness Identified through Screening and Changes and Depression or Anxiety in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 70(12):3458-3468. Dec 2022. doi: 10.1111/jgs.18012. Epub 2022 Aug 24. Full text
Tuzzio L, Wellman RD, De Marchis EH, Gottlieb LM, Walsh-Bailey C, Jones SM, Nau CL, Steiner JF, Banegas MP, Sharp AL, Derus A, Lewis CC. Social Risk Factors and Desire for Assistance Among Patients Receiving Subsidized Health Care Insurance in a US-Based Integrated Delivery System. Ann Fam Med. 20 (2) 137-144. March 2022. DOI: Full text