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Recent News

August 31, 2020
How Paula Blasi brings research findings to light to support Kaiser Permanente’s rapid response to COVID-19.
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August 26, 2020
The early-career scientists will receive 3 years of intensive training in Learning Health System research.
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August 17, 2020
How our Learning Health System Program is using statistical methods and machine learning techniques to respond to COVID-19.
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August 14, 2020
Hear faculty and fellows in the ‘Taking Action on Overuse’ program, sponsored by the MacColl Center and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
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July 15, 2020
MacColl Center co-founder Brian Austin, who is retiring this week, reflects on how the Center became a global pioneer in health care transformation
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June 15, 2020
11 features of effective leadership at primary care practices—from the MacColl Center’s LEAP project.
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June 1, 2020
Katie Coleman describes how COVID-19 ushered in a new normal at Kaiser Permanente Washington and how research is vital to making it thrive.
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