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Recent News

December 29, 2022
Early-career scientists provide attainable, thoughtful steps to a more equitable future
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October 3, 2022
Fresh from an international conference on practice facilitation, Jess Mogk reflects on what’s next as the field advances
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September 20, 2022
Dr. Annie Hoopes shares insights from a new ACT Center study on integrating adolescent mental health in primary care
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June 20, 2022
ACT Center biostatistician Yates Coley reports on new predictive analytics work that’s decreasing missed visits at KP Washington.
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June 13, 2022
KP Washington family medicine residents test new ideas for improving care while honoring the legacy of Dr. Don Miller
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June 8, 2022
Kelsey Stefanik-Guizlo shares what she’s learned about strategies to meaningfully engage patients and families in transforming care
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March 29, 2022
Puyallup team excels at patient-centered care and improving opioid safety for people with persistent pain.
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