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Recent News

January 29, 2024
Newly funded E-STAR center will elevate equity and community in learning health system research
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December 11, 2023
KPWHRI and the ACT Center celebrate the impact of the CATALyST training program
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August 28, 2023
ACT Center patient partner, Starette Canada, discusses the importance of patient partners at research events
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August 24, 2023
Learn more about ACT Center's Senior Administrative Research Coordinator, Robert Kenawova Frazier
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August 17, 2023
The division contributes to research across the institute with methodological and subject matter expertise
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July 25, 2023
Ariel Singer shares stories about personal experiences with behavioral health services and why easier access is important.
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May 26, 2023
Sophia Mun and Ariel Singer share success stories from Community Resource Specialists pilot program 
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