
News highlights and new resources from the Center for Accelerating Care Transformation (ACT Center) at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

ACT Center News

Toolkit for Managing Persistent Pain

Pain management toolkit designed by and for patients living with ongoing pain

Authored by patient partners on our Integrated Pain Management team, the "Toolkit for Managing Persistent Pain" is now publicly available in both English and Spanish via the ACT Center resource library.

Learn more about how the toolkit was developed in this ACT Center blog: Making persistent pain management practical and personal.

Training scientists as partners in transforming primary care

NEWS STORY: Newly funded E-STAR center will elevate equity and community in learning health system research

Patient partners: A missing ingredient at conferences?

BLOG: ACT Center patient partner, Starette Canada, discusses the importance of patients being elevated in research and at research events 

Patient-centered perspectives on teen mental health

NEWS STORY: Dr. Annie Hoopes shares insights from a new ACT Center study on integrating adolescent mental health in primary care

See all ACT Center news

2023: Year in review

ACT-Center_Newsletter_2023-Year-end-Update_Page_1.pngTo close out a busy and exciting year, our ACT Center team reflected on what we’re grateful for in 2023 and what we’re looking forward to in 2024. 

Thanks to our partners at Kaiser Permanente Washington and in health care organizations nationwide, our work together is helping move research into action to transform care and improve health for people and communities everywhere. Our 2023 year-end update provides a brief recap of the year’s key milestones.



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Press Contact

Amelia Apfel (she/her)

After-hours media line: 206-448-4056