The ACT Center is the steward of the Ed Wagner Endowment for Health Care Transformation; the Donald G. Miller, MD Endowed Fund for Clinical Innovation; the Jerome F. Beekman Memorial Endowment Fund; and the Robin E. Johnson Endowed Fellowship.
Our endowments honor the legacies of our former leaders and support ongoing clinical innovation and improvements in health care delivery.
ACT Center Endowments
The ACT Center is proud to be the stewards of 4 endowments:
Ed Wagner Endowment for Health Care Transformation, which supports the development and dissemination of innovative, effective, and affordable health care, especially for under-resourced populations, as well as collaborative work with safety net providers.
Donald G. Miller, MD Endowed Fund for Clinical Innovation, which supports clinical innovation among physicians and assists in the implementation of improvements.
Jerome F. Beekman Memorial Endowment Fund, which supports clinical innovation and the medical education necessary to manage a clinical improvement project.
Robin E. Johnson Endowed Fellowship, which supports improvements in the delivery of health care for Kaiser Permanente Washington members and residents of Washington state.
Funded Projects
Wagner Endowment
The Wagner Endowment’s recent funded projects include:
The Transformer Innovation Network, which supports convening high-performing federally qualified health centers to discuss and support one another in addressing pandemic challenges, telehealth changes, racial and social justice, and other pressing topics.
The Oregon Primary Care Association’s Alternative Payment and Advanced Care Model Learning Exchange, which hosted primary care associations from around the country for a one-day event focused on the next frontiers in care transformation and the alternative payment arrangements that support this evolution.
Symposia on “Taking Practice Transformation to Scale” and “25 Years of Innovation in Chronic Illness Care.”
Miller Endowment
In 2021, the ACt Center finalized a multi-year commitment to the Kaiser Permanente Washington Family Medicine Residency Program to provide funding from the Miller Endowment for medical students to lead projects focused on quality improvement and care delivery innovation.
Recent projects have focused on:
Using tailored outreach to increase the return rate of colon cancer screening FIT kits among Black and African American members, with the goal of reducing the racial disparity in screening rates compared to white members.
Increasing equitable access to home blood pressure monitoring through a loaner program, with the goal of improving management of high blood pressure.
Johnson Endowment
The Johnson Endowment’s recent funded projects have focused on:
Addressing hypertension disparities in Black and African American members of Kaiser Permanent Washington through a blood pressure loaner program.