Our Partners
Care transformation starts with strong partnerships and a shared vision for better care.
Bringing essential stakeholders together to improve health and health care
We partner with and serve clinicians, care delivery leaders, patients, researchers, and community-based organizations around the country engaged in transforming care. We work in a variety of settings — from our home institution Kaiser Permanente Washington to federally qualified health centers to state associations and national policymakers.
Collaborating with a diverse mix of public and private partners is central to our vision — and also at the core of what we do: bringing together stakeholders to design, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve health care at the individual, clinic, and population levels.
These partnerships take many forms:
- We partner with community health centers and the organizations that represent them, including the National Association of Community Health Centers and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, as well as state primary care associations and behavioral health state associations.
- We are grateful for the partnership of many patients and family members who guide our work in integrated pain management, social health integration, and adolescent mental health.
- In our learning health system work and social needs work, we partner directly with leaders, care teams, and patients at our home organization, Kaiser Permanente, a not-for-profit integrated health system.
- Our work is funded, in part, by government agencies, including the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Institutes of Health. We also receive funding from philanthropic organizations, such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
- We partner with and mentor the future leaders of learning health system science thanks to the support of AHRQ and the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
Our unique position within Kaiser Permanente
Fundamental to our work is our close partnership with our colleagues at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI), where the ACT Center is based. KPWHRI is the non-proprietary, public-interest research division within Kaiser Permanente Washington. Our position as part of a wider health care enterprise is unique, allowing us to bring together partners well beyond our walls with a national network of Kaiser Permanente clinicians, researchers, and patients to transform care for people and communities everywhere.
Learn more about ACT Center partnerships
Partnering in the safety net
Bringing state primary care and behavioral health associations together in the Delta Center for a Thriving Safety Net